Occupational health is a critical part of a productive and safe workplace. Exposures to chemicals, vapors, hazardous materials, and biological contaminants can result in injury, lost productivity, low morale, worker compensation claims, and regularoty liability. Pacific LLC is here to quickly and accurately identify the issue(s) and suggest the most efficient method to safely manage and address hazardous building materials and contaminants such as asbestos, lead, PCB's, heavy metals, silica, pedtroleum hydrocarbons and pesticides.




We are all exposed to mold and mold spores as a consequence of living on earth. Excessive exposure to mold can initiate allergic reactions, aggravate asthma, and cause mucous membrane irritation. Potentially life-threatening infection is possible among severely immune-compromised patients in healthcare settings (e.g. bone marrow, stem cell, solid organ transplant patients). We have extensive training and experience that enable us to quickly inspect for excess moisture in building materials that are capable of supporting mold growth in your home or workplace. If the moisture condition is not corrected the mold will return. While on site we systematically conduct walk-through examinations and testing to identify moisture damage and develop an appropriate mold removal and cleaning protocol to safely remove the water and mold impacted materials.




Our primary goal of healthcare construction and infection prevention is to assess risk in order to ensure the safety of the patients, staff, and visitors. This is critical for at-risk patients with suppressed immune systems and or underlying illnesses that leave them vulnerable to potential life-threatening infection associated with construction and to comply with the Joint Commission. We are recognized for our expertise in this area locally, regionally, and nationally. We Assist our healthcare clients in the implementation regionally, and nationally. We assist our healthcare clients in the implementation of sound construction and infection prevention management programs that improve patient safety through the development and implementation of appropriate engineering controls through the Infection Prevention Risk Assessment (IRCA) process that best suit the risk, conditions, and schedule. Specific procedures for performing infection prevention commissioning are developed and carried out to confirm that the air handling system directional air flow, ventilation system filtration, and cleanliness meet design before the space is approved for patient care.




Staff reports of indoor air quality concerns need to be addressed quickly and treated with respect. Open and frequent communication is as critical as the technical investigation, and possibly more so. We take a methodical approach to indoor air quality investigation: We conduct inspections based on the occupants' testimonies and symptomology by developing a symptom profile that we relate to the building and buildings activities. Many times this can be done, and sources identified without the need for sampling. Every effort is made to keep the occupants "in the loop" so that they understand what we are doing, what we are looking for, what we found, and what will be done where improvements are made. It is vital that staff is a full partner if the issues are to be resolved.




Health and Safety at hazardous waste sites is critical for those working at the site, the site owner, the neighboring community, and the regulating agencies. Qualified and experienced Certified Industrial Hygienists are especially skilled at recognizing and understanding the risks presented by the contaminating materials and direction with regard to personal protective equipment, training, exposure assessment, and monitoring in order to prevent unnecessary worker and community exposures during cleanup. Pacific LLC has reduced risk for owners, contractors, and the community during hazardous waste cleanup projects in all manner of locations and environments.




Hearing loss from excess noise exposure is prevalent throughout industrial society but it can be addressed on the job. Workers exposure to loud noises from impact noises, to continuous noise on an assembly line, to solvent exposure can adversely affect hearing and in some cases lead to complete hearing loss. Pacific LLC has the necessary assessment skills to identify, evaluate, and address noise and hearing loss issues in the workpace and community.




Pacific LLC provides expert witness consulting services in support of personal injury, bad faith, environmental, indoor air quality, workers compensation, and property damage cases.
